The photograph depicts a typical Egyptian agricultural landscape, with a brick dwelling on the left and a series of walls and granaries defining the various plots of land. In the distance, there are palm groves and acacia trees. In the background, the Nile.
The photograph shows the agricultural landscape near a village, probably from the Theban area. The signature of the author is at the bottom left.
The photograph depicts a group of people on a cruise ship, presumably the service staff, with musicians and caretakers identifiable among the group.
The image shows a view of the Egyptian agricultural landscape with a palm grove and a village. The author's signature is at the bottom left.
The photograph shows a view of a street in an Egyptian village (difficult to identify) built of mud brick. Clay pots can be seen in the top left corner. A man and two young boys, looking at the camera lens have also been photographed. The author's signature albeit faded and almost illegible, is at the bottom.
The image shows a cruise ship anchored on the Nile, with a group of tourists on the upper deck and service staff on the lower.
The photograph depicts a view of an entire cruise ship, with a group of tourists settled on the upper deck and the boatmen further down in the act of manoeuvring the boat, presumably ready to set sail or to dock.
The photograph shows a number of steam-powered and sail boats moored on the banks of the Nile.
The photograph depicts an armed attendant of the Egyptian postal service riding a camel near Karnak (from the caption on the back of the photograph).
The photograph shows a young man holding a camel loaded with goods by its reigns. The author's signature (faded) is at the bottom left.
The image depicts a child riding a buffalo (gamusa) with its calf, in an egyptian village. In the background is a small goat. The author's signature, which is barely legible, is in the bottom right-hand corner.
Nubian people posing for a photo, presumably warriors or hunters. Some are holding spears and swords, and a younger man holds a shield. The author’s signature, which is barely visible, is in the bottom left-hand corner.
Nubian people posing for a photo, presumably warriors or hunters. Some are holding spears and swords, and a younger man holds a shield. The author’s signature, which is barely visible, is in the bottom left-hand corner.
Group photograph in Nubia, with some women, their children and a man. The author’s signature is at the bottom left.
The photo shows a horse groomer in traditional Egyptian dress, taken in profile. The author's signature is at the bottom right.
Picture of a young female water carriers, photographed at Karnak.
Photograph of three young female water carriers, posing for the photographer.
The image captures a moment of agricultural work in Egypt, two men are drawing water from the Nile using a shaduf, a tool consisting of two wooden poles with a counterweight used for drawing and lifting water.
The shot shows some workers and a child engaged in irrigation work near a shaduf, to bring water to the ground level above. The author's signature is visible at the bottom left.
The photograph shows a man operating a loom in an Egyptian textile workshop, with a child sitting in front of the loom. The author's signature is at the bottom right.
The image depicts the Egyptian agricultural landscape and a palm grove.
The photograph shows a large wadi bed in the rocky landscape, presumably of the Upper Egyptian desert.
View of an Egyptian village, with vegetable gardens bordered by brick walls, houses, granaries and some palm groves. The Nile is visible in the background. The author's signature, written in mirrored writing is in the bottom right-hand corner.
View of some mud-brick structures in an egyptian landscape.

A mosque with its porticoed courtyard. Schiaparelli excavations.
Photographed on a rocky hillside, two men: an Egyptian and a European, not currently identifiable.
Christian cemetery in an area yet to be identified.
Egyptian landscape showing the beginning of the desert, in an area currently unidentifiable. In the background, the verdant plain stretching along the course of the Nile.
Egyptian landscape depicting a large plain. In the background, below the highest mountain, are some ruins in an urban context, presumably identified as the remains of the Luxor Temple.
Egyptian countryside with local shepherds at work, photographed during excavations by the Italian Archaeological Mission in Egypt.

Egypian landscape (?) from the Nile river