Archaeological remains of the so-called “Workmen's huts”, presumably a guard post, between Deir el-Medina, the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens. Schiaparelli excavations.
Archaeological remains of the so-called “Workmen's huts”, presumably a guard post, between Deir el-Medina, the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens. Schiaparelli excavations.
Archaeological remains of the so-called “Workmen's huts”. Schiaparelli excavations.
Archaeological remains, from another angle of the so-called“Workmen's huts”. Schiaparelli excavations.
Archaeological remains of the so-called “Workmen's huts”. Schiaparelli excavations.
Archaeological remains, from a further angle of the so-called “Workmen's huts”. Visible in the background is the peak of the El-Qurn; the highest point of the Theban mountain. Schiaparelli excavations.
Archaeological remains of a structure from the so-called “Workmen's huts”. Schiaparelli excavations.
Archaeological remains of a structure from the so-called “Workmen's huts”. Schiaparelli excavations.
Archaeological remains of a structure from the so-called “Workmen's huts”. Schiaparelli excavations.

Archaeological remains of the so-called “Workmen’s huts”. Photograph very similar to C00802, but with a slight difference on the left edge. Schiaparelli excavations.