Rock-cut sanctuary of the goddess Meretseger and of the god Ptah, a short distance from the village of Deir el-Medina. Schiaparelli excavations.
Rock-cut sanctuary of the goddess Meretseger and of the god Ptah. Schiaparelli excavations.
Rock-cut sanctuary of the goddess Meretseger and of the god Ptah. Schiaparelli excavations.
Rock-cut sanctuary of the goddess Meretseger and of the god Ptah. Schiaparelli excavations.
Votive stele of Ramesses III, in the so-called chapel B, outside the rock-cut sanctuary of the goddess Meretseger and the god Ptah. Schiaparelli excavations.
Votive stele of Ramesses III, in the so-called chapel C, outside the rock-cut sanctuary of the goddess Meretseger and the god Ptah. Schiaparelli excavations.

Rock-cut sanctuary of the goddess Meretseger and the god Ptah. Some excavations conducted by the Italian Archaeological Mission can be seen on the right. Schiaparelli excavations.
Photograph of the rock-cut sanctuary of Ptah and Meretseger, not far from the village of Deir el-Medina, during excavations by the Italian Archaeological Mission. Schiaparelli excavations.