Beginning of the transport of antiquities at the base of the rock-cut tombs. The Egyptian wearing the Fez is Bolos Ghattas. The European man bending down is most likely to be Benvenuto Savina. Schiaparelli excavations.
Starting to transport antiquities from the foot of the Qau el-Kebir necropolis towards the river. Schiaparelli excavations.
Transportation of crates containing antiquities towards the Nile. In the foreground wearing a fez, Bolos Ghattas. Schiaparelli excavations.
Workmen during the delicate stages of transporting and towing (on a downhill slope) one of the heavy boxes containing the coffin of the Governor Ibu. Photo album, Schiaparelli excavations.
Transportation of crates containing antiquities towards the Nile. Recognisable from behind is Bolos Ghattas, wearing a fez. Schiaparelli excavations.
Numerous Egyptian workmen during the delicate stages of transporting and towing one of the heavy crates containing the coffin of the Governor Ibu on a small hill, towards the Nile. Among the workmen (unfortunately unnamed) are the figures of the rais and dragoman (interpreter/guide) in the middle of the shot and with their backs turned, wearing fezzes. In the foreground, some children seated on the ground curiously observe the difficult work of the adults. Benvenuto Savina, the figure wearing European clothing, can be identified among the workers, while one of the two visible umbrellas is almost certainly used by Schiaparelli. Note the presence of a guard on horseback, escorting the transportation. The mountain of Qau is visible in the background. Photo album, Schiaparelli excavations.
Transportation of crates containing antiquities towards the Nile. Schiaparelli excavations.
Transportation of crates containing antiquities while crossing a wadi. The person with the umbrella could be Schiaparelli. Schiaparelli excavations.
Workmen during the delicate stages of transporting and towing (on an uphill slope) one of the heavy boxes containing the coffin of the Governor Ibu. Photo album, Schiaparelli excavations.
Excavations at Qau el-Kebir, transportation of materials on camels. Schiaparelli excavations.
Transporting the crates containing antiquities from the site of Qau el-Kebir to the Nile. Angelo Sesana Archive.
Egyptian workmen transporting crates containing antiquities, while crossing a ditch, at Qau el-Kebir. Schiaparelli excavations.
Transportation of antiquities, a crate bears the initials E. S. (Ernesto Schiaparelli. Schiaparelli excavations.
Loading the crates containing antiquities onto sail boats (feluccas). Schiaparelli excavations.
Loading the crates containing antiquities onto sail boats (feluccas). Schiaparelli excavations.
Transportation of antiquities on sail boats (feluccas). Schiaparelli excavations.
Crates with the excavated finds are loaded onto a felucca. On the right there is a man with a parasol, most likely Ernesto Schiaparelli. Angelo Sesana Archive.
Three boats on the banks of the Nile, presumably in the area of Qau el-Kebir. Angelo Sesana Archive.