Photograph of the Step Pyramid of Djoser, the first pharaoh of the 3rd dynasty, at Saqqara. The surrounding area is yet to be excavated. The author’s signature is visible at the bottom right.

View of the enclosure wall of the funerary complex of pharaoh Djoser
Photograph of the Step Pyramid of Djoser, the first pharaoh of the 3rd dynasty, at Saqqara. The author’s signature is visible at the bottom right.
Photograph of the Step Pyramid of Djoser, the first pharaoh of the 3rd dynasty, at Saqqara. The surrounding area is yet to be excavated. The image is slightly out of focus.
Egyptian landscape, showing vegetation on the edge of the desert near Saqqara, as indicated on the back of the print.

View of the Step Pyramid built by Pharaoh Djoser, the first ruler of the 3rd Dynasty. In the foreground, within the sacred area of the pyramid complex, there are some of the chapels of his Heb-Sed. The Sed festival is also known as the royal jubilee festival.
The Step Pyramid of Djoser seen from the pyramid of Unas at Saqqara. This is probably a 19th century photograph.
In the background, the Step Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara, and in the foreground, there is an Egyptian on a donkey. This is a 19th century photograph.