Excavations in the northern area of the necropolis where the chapel and tomb of Kha (TT8) will be discovered. Above in the background, the entrance to tomb TT322. Schiaparelli excavations.
Excavations in the northern area of the necropolis where the chapel and tomb of Kha (TT8) will be discovered. Schiaparelli excavations.
Excavations in the northern area of the necropolis. In the area where the tomb of Kha (TT8) was found, the workers are focused and still for the photograph. Above in the background is the entrance of the tomb TT10.
Excavations in the northern area of the necropolis. In the area where the tomb of Kha (TT8) was found, the workers are focused and still for the photograph. Above in the background is the entrance of the tomb TT10.
Northern area of the necropolis. Excavating in the area of the tomb of Kha (TT8). Schiaparelli excavations.
Excavations in the northern area of the necropolis, west of the temple of the goddess Hathor, in the area of the tomb of Kha (TT8). Visible in the background are the entrances of several tombs, from left to right: TT10, 322, 323 and 330 A and B. Schiaparelli excavations.
Excavations in the northern area of the necropolis, west of the temple of the goddess Hathor. The excavation reveals the terraces in front of the tomb entrances (which are not yet visible). In the centre of the photograph from the left: Bolos Ghattas, Arturo Frova and an Egyptian inspector. Schiaparelli excavations.
Excavations in the northern area of the necropolis, west of the temple of the goddess Hathor. The excavations in the area allowed for the discovery of some tombs. Starting from the left are: P1187, 1188, and 1189. At the bottom, the access to shaft 1188 is visible. Schiaparelli excavations.
Excavations in the northern area of the necropolis, west of the temple of the goddess Hathor. The excavations in the area allowed for the discovery of some tombs. Starting from the left are: P1187, 1188, and 1189. At the bottom, the access to shaft 1188 is visible. Schiaparelli excavations.
Excavations in the northern area of the necropolis, west of the temple of the goddess Hathor. The excavations in the area allowed for the discovery of some tombs. Starting from the left are: P1187, 1188, and 1189. At the bottom, the access to shaft 1188 is visible. Schiaparelli excavations.
Excavations in the northern area of the necropolis, west of the temple of the goddess Hathor. The excavations in the area allowed for the discovery of some tombs. Starting from the left are: P1187, 1188, and 1189. At the bottom, the access to shaft 1188 is visible. Schiaparelli excavations.
Excavations in the northern area of the necropolis, west of the temple of the goddess Hathor. The excavations in the area allowed for the discovery of some tombs. Starting from the left are: P1187, 1188, and 1189. At the bottom, the access to shaft 1188 is visible. Visible on the left is the Egyptian inspector who was involved in the mission. Schiaparelli excavations. Schiaparelli excavations.
Excavations in the northern area of the necropolis, west of the temple of the goddess Hathor. Funerary chapel of tomb of Amenemipet (TT215). The barrel-shaped structure of the chapel was originally covered by a small mud-brick pyramid. Schiaparelli excavations.
Excavations in the northern area of the necropolis, west of the temple of the goddess Hathor. Funerary chapel of tomb of Amenemipet (TT215). The barrel-shaped structure of the chapel was originally covered by a small mud-brick pyramid Schiaparelli excavations.
Excavations in the northern area of the necropolis, west of the temple of the goddess Hathor. Funerary chapel of tomb of Amenemipet (TT215). The barrel-shaped structure of the chapel was originally covered by a small mud-brick pyramid. Schiaparelli excavations.
Mountain north of the Deir el Medina area. The picture shows a walkway leading to the top of the mountain. The man photographed is carrying a tube for drawings or maps and three cameras, one of which is an automatic film camera. Schiaparelli excavations.
Mountain north of the Deir el Medina area. The picture shows a walkway leading to the top of the mountain. The man photographed is carrying a tube for drawings or maps and three cameras, one of which is an automatic film camera. Schiaparelli excavations.

Excavating near the chapel of Maia (in the foreground), having already been brought to light. Among the workmen, there is the guide and interpretor Bolos Ghattas dressed in white, while the European he is talking to is unidentifiable. The workmen are also unidentifiable. Schiaparelli excavations.

Excavating (presumably) in the mountain of Deir el-Medina, where a workman is photographed next to a wooden beam, possibly part of a structure for a hoist. Schiaparelli excavations.

Excavating in the mountain of Deir el-Medina, above the funerary chapels of Maia (visible in the foreground) and Kha, in the direction of the entrance to the underground chambers of Kha's tomb (TT8). Schiaparelli excavations.

View of a series of funerary chapels excavated during the Italian Archaeological Mission’s campaign. On the left is the chapel of Maia. On the right, in the centre of the picture and on a higher ground level, stands the imposing structure of the (already known) chapel of Kha. Between the two, there is the opening of shaft P. 338 next to the chapel of Maia, and to its right the remains of a chapel that no longer exists. Schiaparelli excavations.

Excavating (presumably) in the mountain of Deir el-Medina, where some ground surveys are visible. This print on paper has been toned with sepia. Schiaparelli excavations.