How to use the archive
Our data and information are regularly updated. In this way, the database grows and is refined over time, improving our knowledge of the archaeological sites investigated.
The database is arranged in a three-tier system, starting with the sites named level I (e.g. Giza). Selecting one of these opens a drop-down menu containing level II sites related to the selected site. These are more defined areas, enclosed within the level I site (e.g. level I: Giza, level II: Western Necropolis). Once a level II site has been selected, it goes into even more detail: more geographically defined areas appear, called level III (e.g. level I: Giza, level II: Eastern necropolis, level III: tomb G 7391 of Iteti). The photographs are only available within the level III areas relating to the specific area selected.
The sequence of photographs was established in a logical manner, allowing for the most complete and linear reading and understanding possible of the area in question. In order to give a sequence to the images depicting the wall paintings in the Theban tombs, the numbering provided in Porter B., e R. Moss, Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings, vol. I, part 2, Oxford, 1964 (II ed.) was kept in consideration.
How to use the archive
Each photograph has a caption, year (if known), author (if known), plate name, material and technique and format. Each word can be searched for in the 'search' field, thus allowing cross-searching regardless of the site of origin. The photographs are also accompanied by keywords (words not necessarily present in the caption text), which can provide additional assistance in cross-searching.