The two false-doors from the mastaba of Medunefer (Cairo EMC CG 57123 and Cairo EMC CG 57189). Schiaparelli excavations.
False-door from the mastaba of Medunefer. (Cairo EMC CG 57123). Schiaparelli excavations.
False-door from the mastaba of Medunefer. (Cairo EMC CG 57123). Schiaparelli excavations.
Second false-door from the mastaba of Medunefer. (Cairo EMC CG 57189). Schiaparelli excavations.
Mastaba of Medunefer. Covered corridor, photographed during excavations. Schiaparelli excavations.
Mastaba of Medunefer. Covered corridor, photographed during excavations. Schiaparelli excavations.
Mastaba of Medunefer. Covered corridor, photographed during excavations. Schiaparelli excavations.
Mastaba of the dignitary Medunefer, the corridor was previously covered. (Original caption: Brick construction (mastaba??) near the stela of Mutnefer. Angelo Sesana Archive.